By - Hanne Mjøen
Rejecting society’s expectations of a “good girl”, Hanne Mjøen explores her beautifully flawed human side: the one which knows their actions are wrong and does them anyway. ‘Hell With You’ explores the temptation of safety in a bad relationship with shimmering electro-pop touches and fantastical lyrics

Hanne Mjøen celebrated great success with her single ‘Sounds Good To Me’ which garnered nearly 15 million plays on Spotify alone. However, it was after this hit single that she turned away from the “mainstream” section of the industry and began to focus on artists such Robyn, Flume and Lorde who inspired her to try […]

By - Beach Tiger
An unstoppable positivity permeates ‘Where Do We Go From Here?’ providing a stark contrast against the concern riddled lyrics. Beach Tiger has enlisted John Thomas Price to provide a driving set of drums on the single which help build the wide and reaching atmosphere. Uncertainty meets uplifting indie tones and an underlying determination – you […]

What was once a collection of musicians, Beach Tiger has become a solo project for Taylor McCleskey, who is from Atlanta, Georgia, and currently based in Greenville, South Carolina. The musician calls upon the legendary names of The Beatles, Tom Petty, John Mayer, David Gray, Eagles, Coldplay for inspiration. In turn, his own sound can […]