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0-60 mph

By - ERA C

It’s a hot summer day and the hazy highway stretches out before you, an infinite burning road of possibilities and hopefully a pool of water at the end. Who is your companion? Your ride or die who sits beside you – both distracting and dominating your thoughts? Their foot slowly pushed down on the pedal […]

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By - Mattia Cupelli

Bold, dark and strong, ‘MONOLITH’ calls to mind eerie decaying cities and an underlying uneasy feeling. Mattia Cupelli manages to tap into his world of film, conjuring a mythical land of untold tragedies and harsh conditions. Otherworldly vocals lend themselves to the cause with a shimmering cloak – hiding their true nature but enticing the […]

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Hell With You

By - Hanne Mjøen

Rejecting society’s expectations of a “good girl”, Hanne Mjøen explores her beautifully flawed human side:  the one which knows their actions are wrong and does them anyway. ‘Hell With You’ explores the temptation of safety in a bad relationship with shimmering electro-pop touches and fantastical lyrics

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Where Do We Go From Here?

By - Beach Tiger

An unstoppable positivity permeates ‘Where Do We Go From Here?’ providing a stark contrast against the concern riddled lyrics. Beach Tiger has enlisted John Thomas Price to provide a driving set of drums on the single which help build the wide and reaching atmosphere. Uncertainty meets uplifting indie tones and an underlying determination – you […]
