By - Thomas Blondet & Steven Rubin
A continuously evolving sonic journey of mellowed soundscapes meeting deep and irrefutable grooves, Sea Sons calls to mind the turntable alchemy of the 90’s, revelling in its own entrancing beat. An unmistakably smooth element is incorporated – like a fine whisky that’s slowly making its way down, warming the back of your throat as your […]
By - Aaron Sibley
Recorded exclusively in Aaron’s home studio, ‘Blame Game’ was another of Aaron’s passion projects throughout the lockdown periods of 2020 and 2021.
MERTDER (Silent T) is a dark and exciting new take on electronic dance music, heavily inspired by his London roots but not without a shade of his Turkish heritage.
By - Cujo Moon
Created by both Cujo Moon and Grouch Bucket, the animated video pairs exotic swirls of colour and surrealist stylings reminiscent of Salvador Dali with the sombre lyrics of Cujo Moon’s single. Embarking on a journey of self-discovery that is punctuated by the bizarre and absurd, our main character is whisked away on cool, gentle guitar […]