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March 24, 2021 Music producer Wolf Saga song ‘Alice In Nowhere Land’ cuts like a knife

Music producer Wolf Saga song ‘Alice In Nowhere Land’ cuts like a knife

Image credit: Michael Alexander

Razor-sharp lyrics, paired with dazzling indie electronics Wolf Saga’s ‘Alice In Nowhere Land’ cuts one like a freshly sharpened knife. The single features on Wolf Saga’s self-titled album – a thought-provoking indie-pop gem to those that give it a chance.

Stream / Download the Wolf Saga LP

Released during the pandemic, ‘Alice In Nowhere Land’ touches on social media as our key method of communication with loved ones, friends & family. Though social media has been a godsend in times like these, one can also get sucked into the negative aspects (such as internet trolls, body image and self-worth). ‘Alice In Nowhere land’ dives into the false realities we often buy into on social media platforms like Instagram.

This single though quite chilling, encourages the listener to step outside & appreciate the life around them instead of making blinded comparisons. Wolf Saga commented on the importance of this single: “We see people’s “lives” curated through their social accounts, but it’s increasingly difficult to parse what’s real and what’s performed. I’m hopeful that we’re at the precipice of a shift in social media consumption, particularly as people around the world wake up, and demand authenticity in everything they engage in.”

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March 17, 2021 Indie pop band GoodVibes Sound unveils flirty disco-esque song release

Indie pop band GoodVibes Sound unveils flirty disco-esque song release

Image by: Amalie Smidth

Stay For One More Night is a disco-inspired psych pop track, which straddles the line between low-slung chiller and energetic city slicker. Written and produced by Goodvibes Sound, the track features glistening vocal harmonies, a punchy bassline and Bossanova-inspired backing vocals. Think power walks in power suits and night time drives through city lights.

Alex from Goodvibes Sound said:

“Stay For One More Night deals with the feelings of isolation that often arise when you’re living in the city. Sometimes you find yourself being convinced to go and do stuff, just to stave off those feelings of loneliness, when you’d rather just rest and chill at home.”

“Producing the track during a lockdown was interesting.There were a lot of voice notes back and forth and some long, long Whatsapp calls. It was just nice to make something together during this weird time.”

Stay For One More Night comes hot on the heels of two singles released in 2020 – Sane Or Sinner and Beachside Living. Goodvibes Sound have a string of singles and videos lined up for early 2021, before releasing an album later in the year.

Follow GoodVibes Sound:

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November 4, 2020 Listen to ‘The Best Part’ of the year with Cadet Carter’s latest song

Listen to ‘The Best Part’ of the year with Cadet Carter’s latest song

Pause and consider “The Best Part” of the year with Cadet Carter and their newly premiered single. Due for release on the 13th of November via 8 Ohm Records, ‘The Best Part’ displays the indie-rock quartet’s talent for looking on the bright side of life. 

Speaking of the single, Cadet Carter tells us: “The world is full of pessimists, especially since the start of the pandemic. And I’ll admit, I‘m a pessimist myself pretty much most of the time. But right now, nobody seems to keep the light on at the end of the tunnel, no one seems to be willing to fly the flag of optimism. So we decided to write a song about not losing hope and staying positive, just for a change. That is how ‘The Best Part’ came about.”

A step away from songs such as ‘King Of Pain’ and ‘A Bad Few Weeks’, we’re pretty happy with the positive direction the band is going in and we believe the rest of the world will be too? Tell your local radio stations about them today to make sure everyone gets a bit of sunshine in their life.

Pre-save ‘The Best Part’

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September 16, 2020 Catastrophe & Cure song ‘Another Wave’ is an ode to 90’s indie-rock

Catastrophe & Cure song ‘Another Wave’ is an ode to 90’s indie-rock

Indie band Catastrophe & Cure have shared their new single ‘Another Wave’ which features on their latest album Somewhere Down The Line. Their previous album release saw the band receive an Amadeus Austrian Music Award. Other noteworthy achievements of the band thus far include Indie Shuffle listing their track ‘On The Internet’ as one of the  Best Indie Rock Songs of 2017. The band also currently sits just under 1 million streams on Spotify

Catastrophe & Cure adds their thoughts on the new single, “’Another Wave’ was one of the first songs we recorded for our new album. It almost wrote itself. We had a couple of chords, the lead guitar and all of a sudden the song was finished. It’s a song about the ambivalence of love and about being at the mercy of one’s own emotions. “You’re my love / Yet my downfall / You’re my love / Still my pain”…. you get the idea!”

Catastrophe & Cure’s sound on this track is reminiscent of some of your favourite 90’s indie-rock anthems, feeling so familiar I would not see why this single would not feature at a club or on your playlist. 

Upcoming Live Shows

22 October – Wien, Fluc + Fluc Wanne

27 October – Graz, Orpheum Graz

3+4 December – Steyr, Röda

19 December – Vöcklabruck, OKH Vöcklabruck

Follow Catastrophe & Cure:

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